THE COUPON COMPANY has for nearly 40 years acted as the clearing house for coupons issued by the manufacturers of any type of consumer packaged goods and which are redeemed at any retail outlet. We provide the interface between manufacturers or distributors and retailers – paying out to the retailers and billing the manufacturers.
While traditionally coupons have been issued for grocery products, coupons are today issued by all types of manufacturers or distributors and are redeemed at all types of retailers. The Coupon Company services approximately 4000 different retailers – supermarkets, dairy’s, chemists, service stations, high street department stores, liquor stores, computer and electronic stores, and industry specialist stores selling for example hardware, plumbing, stationery/books and automotive products.
The Coupon Company also provides handling services for other commonly used promotional products
Cash-backs • Competitions • Product redemption: Send in barcodes, send out product or voucher
Data-entry and database management • Coupon Design and printing
We have two documents, Coupons 101 which explains the principals of couponing and Internet Guidelines which covers issues arising from using digital coupons delivered via the email, websites or phones.
You can get a copy of these by calling 093003705 and ask for Dawn or Graham.
Today an increasing number of Brand Coupons and or Retailer Vouchers are delivered by electronic channels. The Coupon Company provides web APP’s that integrate into your Facebook Page or your website and deliver personalised coupons to either an email address or to a mobile device.
Our APP options are as follows:
FACEBOOK – APP’s are available which integrate into Facebook promotions.
WEB – APP’s which embed in your website and generate an appropriate coupon once your customer registers.
GAMES or COMPETITIONS - We have API’s which generate and email the correct prize voucher or coupon appropriate to the game level reached. The games can part of a website or a facebook page.
DATABASE GATEWAY – Load up you customer database and this app automatically sends a personalised coupon or voucher to each customer, which is also uniquely numbered.
SMS – once a customer txts their email address a coupon or voucher is automatically sent. Used as a call to action at a Food Show or demonstration or from an advert.
We have options available for both Brand Coupons and vouchers and also Retailer Vouchers. Patented features prevent fraud and assist validation without integration into retailer systems.
Note we can now pay out in Australian Dollars and this can be linked to our Customer Service APP so you can initiate payment following any complaint.
A new option is to offer online registration on your own website, using one of our web APIs that firstly registers the claim in our system and then secondly verifies or validates the claim by using an online database or manually by mailing receipts or barcodes to us which we check before activating payment.
Cashback promotions are typically used for new product launches to raise awareness. Our systems make it easy to direct credit payments to large numbers of customers at minimal cost.
A variation of the above. Using on line registration but where the customer adds to their account over a period and one of our API’s emails the appropriate reward vouchers once a trigger point is reached. Can be used for both Brand Vouchers and Retailer Vouchers.